can focus on ONLY the pieces of your business that you want?
Let me guess... That person you used for support is oookaaaaayyy, but they’re definitely not living up to all the hype and high expectations you had from the interview.
You know you need to have “the talk” and get them to lift their game, but you’ve totally been putting it off.
You never quite know how to handle these situations without everyone getting upset, and part of you wonders whether there’s even much point.
Are they even capable of performing at the level you need them to? Or what if that conversation makes them throw their hands up and just QUIT?
Honestly, the thought of having to start looking for someone else all over again is enough to make you bite your tongue and just put up with their mediocre performance. Blurg!
I just wish there was a way to ADD time to my calendar so I could grow this business easier AND faster! If only there was a Time Machine I could crank up and it could create space for me to focus!
Whether you’re IN that situation right now, or you’re reading that thinking “Yep… been there”, there’s a key question that’s probably running through your head…
"Why is it SO hard to find good people?"
But maybe there’s a far more powerful question you could be asking instead…
"How can I become the kind of Business Owner that good people flock to?"
The kind of Business Owner who...
Knows exactly how to attract quality people to work with… AND how to spot potential red flags before you start paying them.
Creates an amazing experience for new people that build immediate loyalty and makes your support WANT to perform at their absolute best for your company.
Holds honest, open and powerful conversations that nip any performance issues in the bud before they create headaches throughout your whole business.
Confidently delegates business-critical tasks to your team with complete trust that they’ll deliver, so that YOU can get out of worker bee mode and finally focus your attention on scaling your business.
And the kind of business owner who actually feels like you’re OWNING your role as the CEO and leader of your business. The one who’s in the driver’s seat, rather than the one who feels like they’re holding on for dear life on the hood of a runaway car. Like a Boss.
Here’s the thing… you KNOW you’re at that tipping point where you simply cannot grow your business further without the right people in place.
And you definitely won’t be able to take a day off any time soon with the way things are running.
Since you’ve been so stretched for time, you might have been approaching the whole task management stuff from a very reactionary standpoint. (You may even have went with independent contractors expecting that they would take less oversight... which is a big time myth!)
“Uh oh… there’s a fire… what do we need to do to put it out? Who can we get on board quickly to fill that gap?”
But you’re sick of those reactionary decisions costing you WAY more time and money in the long run.
Here’s the thing… you KNOW you’re at that tipping point where you simply cannot grow your business further without the right people in place.
And you definitely won’t be able to take a day off any time soon with the way things are running.
Since you’ve been so stretched for time, you might have been approaching the whole people management stuff from a very reactionary standpoint.
“Uh oh… there’s a fire… what do we need to do to put it out? Who can we get on board quickly to fill that gap?”
But you’re sick of those reactionary decisions costing you WAY more time and money in the long run.
You have HUGE goals for your business, and you need an amazing person (people?) in place to help you accomplish them… IDEALLY without YOU running yourself into the ground in the process. Yep, it is past time for you to learn how to hire for and lead your business!
It's not about finding's about finding the right person for YOU!
And we want to help you attract your rockstars whether they are...
These people can help by providing focused experience or expertise with the consistency and redundancy of a team that delivers all the time.
These people can help best by providing focused experience or expertise when your business needs less than 20 hours a week or a project need with a start and end to the work.
These people can help by giving us dedicated time, consistently, to do the work OUR way! When done correctly, this provides space on your calendar AND growing profits.
If you are going to let these people influence your company's success than you you need to find the RIGHT people. You need to use a predictabel, repeatable process so you know what success looks like before you hire..yep, you heard me. Don't let just anybody take your company's hard earned money without your detailed process for qualifying them!
(Pint NOT included)
References people! Of course I have these
for you. Here is what clients are saying...
“"WOW!! Thank you!! Again I’m seeing my company now in higher perspective (with each new lesson)! I do team meetings but not the other 2 meetings! I need to starting doing next week!"
So what can learning in the BOSSIFICATION Incubator do for you?
Your Life Before
You know you're the bottleneck in your business and that you need a team to hit your growth goals, but it all just feels too hard
You feel like you're kinda playing dress ups with this whole "boss" thing and surely someone's going to notice that you've got no idea what you're doing
Hiring takes forever and you end up so frustrated that you just pick the best of a bad bunch to fill the spot
You put off having the tough conversations with under-performers because you don't want to make waves, or worse, they leave and you have to go through the whole hiring process again
You don't feel like you can fully trust your team to execute on important work so you're still left doing just as much (if not MORE) work as before you hired
You just wish you could get the right people on your team so that they can take care of the "doing" and you can focus on growth
Your Life After
You finally have an organizational structure that feels RIGHT, and you’re crystal clear on who needs to be doing what to hit your biz goals
You feel like you can legit claim that CEO title now because you’re finally running your business like a business
When you have a position to fill, you follow a simple rinse and repeat system and you don’t settle for anything less that a GREAT fit
You nip problems in the bud before they turn into full blown headaches and your employees really respect your open and honest conversations
You confidently delegate the stuff that shouldn’t be on your plate because you know the work is in good hands with your team
Your team actually enjoy coming to work and are motivated to help the business win
You finally feel like you could actually take a proper holiday and feel totally comfortable that things will still run like clockwork without you there
Your Life Before
You know you are the bottleneck in your business and that you need help to hit your growth goals, but it all just feels too hard
Your Life After
You finally have an believe in the possibilities of the RIGHT help, and you’re crystal clear on who needs to be doing what to hit your biz goals
You feel like you're kinda playing dress up with this whole "boss" thing and surely someone's going to notice that you've got no idea what you're doing
You feel like you can legit claim that CEO title now because you’re finally running your business like a business...and it feels so good!
Finding the right people takes foreverrrr and you end up so frustrated that you just pick the best of a bad bunch to fill the spot
When you have a need for support, you follow a simple "rinse and repeat" system and you don’t settle for anything less than a GREAT fit.
You put off having the tough conversations with under-performering support because you don't want to make waves, or worse, they leave and you have to go start the whole process again
You nip problems in the bud before they turn into full blown headaches and your people really respects your open and honest conversations
You don't feel like you can fully trust anyone to execute on important work so you're still left doing just as much (if not MORE) work as before you started working with them
You confidently delegate the stuff that shouldn’t be on your plate because you know the work is in good hands with your people and they are clear on what you want!
You just wish you could get the right people to work for you so that they can take care of the "doing" and you can focus on growth
You actually enjoy coming to work and are motivated to help everyone win - everyday.
You finally feel like you could actually take a proper holiday and feel totally comfortable that things will still run like clockwork without you being there to answer every question!
Rachel started working in this Boss HQ program because she wanted, not just a process to follow, but to also feel confident that her business was getting what it needed from the help she was trying to find - especially when they were under performing.
She wanted to be able to be a Boss without being an ogre AND still be able to hold people to what the business needed. This is what she shared after going through the lessons!
Rachel Eisenfeld
Retail and Restaurant Industry
Herndon, VA
Rachel started working in this Boss HQ program because she wanted, not just a process to follow, but to also feel confident that her business was more than one employee who was under performing.
She wanted to be able to be a Boss without being an ogre AND still be able to hold people to what the business needed. This is what she shared after going through the lessons!
Rachel Eisenfeld
Retail and Restaurant Industry
Herndon, VA
Step into the BOSS Level Business Owner you were born to be with ease using these value packed modules to get started and to create space on your calendar with every person you bring in to help.
Identify What YOUR Business Needs for NOW..and in the Future!
Do you need to hire a vendor, independent contractor or an employee? This module will help you to figure out exactly who you need to build a success that will deliver on your business goals.
Plus you’ll develop your own unique recruitment tool that is the KEY to making the whole process smooth, fast and efficient regardless of what type you are looking at. No more groans of dread whenever you recognize you need to get help.
Attract the RIGHT People
It’s time to say goodbye to trawling through a bunch of crappy unqualified applicants or fiver-type sites just hoping to find the best of a bad bunch. (Even referrals don't always work out!) In this module, you’ll learn how to craft a compelling Employment Ad that attracts the kind of people you WANT to work with on a day to day basis.
You’ll also learn how to craft a Job Description that will not only make it crystal clear to your new person exactly what you expect of them, but will also get them just as excited to start work with you, as you are to have them.
Employment Ads That Get Seen By Your Ideal Peeps
Selecting job boards can get complicated - especially when you just want to get. it. done! But you can take all the stress out of getting your ads showing up in all the right places using our Bossification Placement Checklist.
Plus you’ll learn how to map out and schedule your process into your calendar. You’ll know exactly what needs to be done and when so that the entire process doesn’t overwhelm your already busy schedule.
Find The Cream of The Crop
Learn how to quickly and effectively cull down your list of possible solutions to find the best of the best. Plus you’ll ditch the ‘textbook interview questions’ and instead use our Bossification Interview Templates to customize your qualification questions to suit YOUR business.
With the RIGHT questions designed to find the exact match for your business needs, you’ll be much closer to KNOWING - not just hoping - that your person will be the right fit.
Interviewing Like A Pro
Don’t be fooled by a dazzling personality, only to be disappointed when they can’t give the results you so deparetely need. Anyone can tell a great story, but this module will teach you the subtle techniques for qualifying like a pro and getting to the crux of their ACTUAL demonstrable alignment.
You’ll learn the repeatable and predictable way to feel confident that the person you select will be able to ROCK their role.
Don't Just Take Their Word For It
Phew, you’ve found someone who seems great… no need to bother with Reference Checks, right??... WRONG!
Learn the simple process to quickly and easily vet your potential support and either confirm you’ve made an excellent decision - OR identify any red flags from past performance as experienced by others.
Make An Offer & Set Them Up For Success
It’s time to decide. Learn how to make the best decision for you, your business and the rest of the team. Plus, you’ll learn how to make an employment offer and close the deal in a way that starts their journey off on the right foot - building tenure and loyalty for years to come.
How you handle their first day and setting up your new new team member will go a long way towards determining how long they will want to work with your company.
In this module, you’ll plan how to welcome your new person and set them up for success from the very beginning. The time you invest here will be the difference in whether they get up to speed as quickly as possible or flounder around with their training wheels on for months.
Meetings, Performance Reviews and Results..Oh My!
Don’t wait another day to have those all important conversations with your help. You’ll learn the secrets to effective meetings that get everyone on the same page and achieving the results you want in your business.
PLUS, you’ll learn how to hold those all important performance discussions. You’ll learn how to get clear on the outcome you want going into the discussion and how best to approach the conversation to get a positive result.
Don't Miss Out!
Join the Bossification Incubator Today
$34,875 Real World Value
Payment Plan
Better Boss Mastery - for a Boss Life through Teams that Deliver
Includes Bossification Library of over 124 Business Owner Resources - Done for You Templates, Guides, Boss Scripts & Checklists
(Valued at $12,900)
Boss Moves - Management Framework Training
(Valued at $7,500)
2 Monthly LIVE Authority Board Q&A Calls
Join a call when you have a need it or join all of these live Expert led Q&A sessions answering your submitted and live questions. (Valued at $15,000)
Step Up or Step Out Termination Training
(Valued at $3,500)
Bossification Authority Board
Customized Document Review & Recommendations
Submit YOUR Bossification and internal Documentation for customized Expert insight & recommendations - up to two docs a week!
(Valued at $2,125)
Better Boss Mastery Community
Team Boss and other Bosses on the same growth journey offer PRIVATE community Support for "in the moment" needs. (PS Our community is OFF social media, so you do not have to get distracted just to get to your answers!)
(Valued at $1,750)
The Step by Step Repeatable Process and Training
(Valued at $5,000)
And this includes access to the On Demand Bossification Platform
The IAMM System - repeatable process everybody can use
Access to the Bossification Platform - 24/7 - with more than 123 resources including templates and guides that support you so you always have answers
Giving you access to the LIVE Authority Board for customized answers.
Private Bossification community of other Bosses on the same growth path.
12 Monthly
Full Pay w/ Bonus
Better Boss Mastery - for a Boss Life through Teams that Deliver
Includes Bossification Library of over 124 Business Owner Resources - Done for You Templates, Guides, Boss Scripts & Checklists
(Valued at $12,900)
Boss Moves
Management Framework Training
(Valued at $7,500)
2 Monthly LIVE Authority Board Q&A Calls
Join a call when you have a need it or join all of these live
Expert led Q&A sessions answering your submitted and live questions.
(Valued at $15,000)
Step Up or Step Out Termination Training
(Valued at $3,500)
Bossification Authority Board
Customized Document Review & Recommendations
Submit YOUR Bossification and internal Documentation for customized Expert insight & recommendations - up to two docs a week!
(Valued at $2,125)
Better Boss Mastery Community
Team Boss and other Bosses on the same growth journey offer PRIVATE community Support for "in the moment" needs. (PS Our community is OFF social media, so you do not have to get distracted just to get to your answers!)
(Valued at $1,750)
The Step by Step Repeatable Process and Training
(Valued at $5,000)
And 12 Months access to the On Demand Bossification Platform including:
The IAMM System - repeatable process everybody can use
Access to the Bossification Platform - 24/7 - with more than 123 resources including templates and guides that support you so you always have answers
Giving you access to the LIVE Authority Board for customized answers.
Private Bossification community of other Bosses on the same growth path.
Save over $350 NOW!!!
Pay in Full - USD
SAVE over $350 Right NOW!!!
LIVE Authority Board
Our goal with Bossification is to find you the RIGHT help FAST. And the best way to do that is to get expert advice on your business' critical decisions.
Join us for our twice a month Group Q&A LIVE Video Conference Calls during your program to get clear on your business direction and how to get the right people in place to make it happen.
Access to these LIVE calls is included
in your purchase.
Personalized Review of Your
Does your job ad hit the mark?
Is your Position Description clear enough?
Does your employment contract communicate exactly what is expected of your help? are you asking the right questions?
We’ll help you to make sure. Submit your key documentation for customized recorded review and expert insight on what you need to tweak to get YOUR best results.
Access to these document reviews is included in your purchase.
The Bossification "library" of resources will become your go-to whenever a tricky situation arises. Packed with training, document templates, scripts and more, you’ll have everything you need to become the boss that everyone WANTS to work hard for.
The amazing part of our platform is how SEARCHABLE all the content is now! It is easier than ever to find EVERY mention or tool having to do with a specific need for your business.
You can use the SEARCH feature inside the platform and find all there is about raises, promotions, or paid time off. Our clients want the answers quickly and specific to their needs. NOW you can find them MUCH faster.
You’ll get access access to this invaluable library of resources immediately and for as long as you stay active in our Incubator! As long as you are in the Bossification program, you will be able to use the resources and tools over and over again!
Valued at over $12,900
Because this is ALL about making the best possible solution for YOU. We KNOW that people changes and challenges do not happen on a weekly schedule!
Our PRIVATE Bossification Signal community is where you can bring your immediate need that may not work into our Q&A time frame!
Drop in a post of your specific questions so that Team BHQ can respond to keep you moving, growing and leading! The BEST part is that other Bosses that are on the same journey will share what is - as well as what is NOT - working for them in their teams.
Even if you are not very Instant Message-y yourself, the value of having these Boss answers in your pocket is worth joining it!
Access to this privacy protected community is included
with your purchase.
Ultimately, if you’re spending more time putting out fires than actually running your business, and you want to be able to get out of the weeds of the day-to-day operations to focus your attention on scaling your business to the heights you know it’s capable of hitting…
Then Bossification is for you.
Ultimately, if you’re spending more time putting out fires than actually running your business, and you want to be able to get out of the weeds of the day-to-day operations to focus your attention on scaling your business to the heights you know it’s capable of hitting…
Then Bossification is for you.
You’ll learn to MASTER the 3 FUNDAMENTALS
of business management that will take you from overwhelmed business owner to the thriving boss of a well-oiled company machine.
You’ll learn to MASTER the 3 FUNDAMENTALS
of business management that will take you from overwhelmed business owner to the thriving boss of a well oiled company machine.
Fundamental 2 - How to Inspire the Results You Want!
I've really seen my business, and my life frankly, go through a radical change.
Dorothy Ilson
Marketing Industry
Chicago, IL
I've really seen my business, and my life frankly, go through a radical change.
Dorothy Ilson
Marketing Industry
Chicago, IL
As CEO & Founder of Boss HQ, I'm on a mission to teach you that it does NOT have to be so hard to build, lead and celebrate with your own dream team.
After 25 years of building, scaling and managing multi-million-dollar firms, I stepped out into the entrepreneurial space motivated - like you - by the freedom of time and money.
In the first 7 years of my own operations consulting business, I discovered that I kept getting the SAME 2 questions from each of my clients.
1. "How do I find "good" people to hire?"
2. "How do I fire an under performer?"
I was shocked that there was not an easily accessible process that business owners could use to build and scale their teams.
I was driven to share my experience and knowledge as I watched businesses closing or near ruined because of teams that had been pieced together with easily accessible bodies and underperforming staff. "Good enough" hires were killing them.
"Good enough" is literally waiting for them to fail. They were never the right person for the job.
It was those two questions that were the motivation for the hiring strategy and Boss best practices company Boss HQ, the development of our signature program Bossification and my absolute commitment to making it much easier for business owners to grow successfully.
Let's do this, Boss!
The Boss Muse
Talmar Anderson
Hiring Strategist and Boss Best Practices Expert
Checking in - gratitudes!
Just wanted to say thank you - the BOSS training in 2018 has been so valuable - I've grown & matured so much as a business owner since then - leading a team of 10 (almost filled out that org chart we created together).
-Legal Industry CEO
Here are a few answers to our most common questions.
Access to the on demand portion of the program will be sent to you as soon as you sign up! This allows you to poke around. We will show you around during a tour and guidance over your first week so that you know how to find the answers specific to YOUR needs. Because we understand that you need answers that are specific to where YOUR business is today. With internet access you can begin your own shift to Boss if you just can't wait.
Every Tuesday at 4:00pm EST we will hold the LIVE Q&A time. Then these continue for the life of the Bossification program! YOU can attend 1 time , every week or whenever you have a burning challenge or question! We are here for you.
The Modules are delivered to you weekly for the first 8 weeks. These Cliff Notes-styled Bossification Modules help you keep progressing in the path that has best delivered results for Boss Actions clients since 2018!
We get it! You are already trying to run your business too! Recordings will accessible on the Bossification platform. Block time on your calendar sometime during each week to watch the 20 minute module and focus on the Deep Dive action items. You will likely want another 30 minutes to hour and a half for those Deep Dive.
Great question. To allow the most effective results for our clients we are including it all as ONE program with guided content focus When we start with hiring questions they naturally lead to management. When a client starts because of a managing issue it naturally leads back to hiring questions.
The 1 year of on going access and support allows the time to learn and use all the pieces for success!
How does for 1 Year sound? After the start of the program, you have unlimited access to the on demand Bossification program including the live weekly calls - across any and all internet accessible devices that you own.
Your business will have different needs as you grow the organizational structure AND the team, access to Bossification for the life of the program ensures you will still be able to continue to improve and master your own Boss actions.
The honest answer is that it depends on you and your current business needs. Some clients have expedited single lessons or pieces of the program (like the hiring process structure or a specific performance management issue) to start seeing results in just two weeks. Others take a few extra months after the 8 weeks of focused modules to implement ALL of the resources or choosing to go back as demands in their companies drive them to find the answers.
Most of our students can go through the entire program while running their own business over the two months. They schedule 2-4 hours a week to progressively work on the entire program.
There is no rush. This is about developing skills and processes that will stay with you for life. No right or wrong amount of time. You have permission to go through all of the tutorials, guides, tools and other resources within the on demand Bossifictation platform as serves you and your own company's needs!
DON'T WAIT! Beyond whatever brought you here today, you and your business will only continue to get busier with each new sale, each new opportunity and each new growth demand.
At what level of overwhelm from missing out on new projects, dealing with an under performing team member AND frustration at the lack of hours in a day WILL make it the right time? Why do that to yourself?
The benefit of KNOWING how to get the results your business requires from your current team alleviates stress and simplifies your communications so that you can experience LESS drama.
Investing your time and money NOW is what will ensure that you not only grow strategically and profitably...but with far less stress!
Our clients ALL wish they had learned from our program sooner. ALL of them.
Don't Miss Out!
Join the Bossification Incubator Today
$34,875 Real World Value
Don't Miss Out!
Join Bossification Today
Payment Plan
Better Boss Mastery - for a Boss Life through Teams that Deliver
Includes Bossification Library of over 124 Business Owner Resources - Done for You Templates, Guides, Boss Scripts & Checklists
(Valued at $12,900)
Boss Moves - Management Framework Training
(Valued at $7,500)
2 Monthly LIVE Authority Board Q&A Calls
Join a call when you have a need it or join all of these live Expert led Q&A sessions answering your submitted and live questions. (Valued at $15,000)
Step Up or Step Out Termination Training
(Valued at $3,500)
Bossification Authority Board
Customized Document Review & Recommendations
Submit YOUR Bossification and internal Documentation for customized Expert insight & recommendations - up to two docs a week!
(Valued at $2,125)
Better Boss Mastery Community
Team Boss and other Bosses on the same growth journey offer PRIVATE community Support for "in the moment" needs. (PS Our community is OFF social media, so you do not have to get distracted just to get to your answers!)
(Valued at $1,750)
The Step by Step Repeatable Process and Training
(Valued at $5,000)
And this includes 12 Months access to the On Demand Bossification Platform
The IAMM System - repeatable process everybody can use
Access to the Bossification Platform - 24/7 - with more than 123 resources including templates and guides that support you so you always have answers
Giving you access to the LIVE Authority Board for customized answers.
Private Bossification community of other Bosses on the same growth path.
12 Monthly
Full Pay w/ Bonus
Better Boss Mastery - for a Boss Life through Teams that Deliver
Includes Bossification Library of over 124 Business Owner Resources - Done for You Templates, Guides, Boss Scripts & Checklists
(Valued at $12,900)
Boss Moves
Management Framework Training
(Valued at $7,500)
2 Monthly LIVE Authority Board Q&A Calls
Join a call when you have a need it or join all of these live
Expert led Q&A sessions answering your submitted and live questions.
(Valued at $15,000)
Step Up or Step Out Termination Training
(Valued at $3,500)
Bossification Authority Board
Customized Document Review & Recommendations
Submit YOUR Bossification and internal Documentation for customized Expert insight & recommendations - up to two docs a week!
(Valued at $2,125)
Better Boss Mastery Community
Team Boss and other Bosses on the same growth journey offer PRIVATE community Support for "in the moment" needs. (PS Our community is OFF social media, so you do not have to get distracted just to get to your answers!)
(Valued at $1,750)
The Step by Step Repeatable Process and Training
(Valued at $5,000)
And 12 Months access to the On Demand Bossification Platform including:
The IAMM System - repeatable process everybody can use
Access to the Bossification Platform - 24/7 - with more than 123 resources including templates and guides that support you so you always have answers
Giving you access to the LIVE Authority Board for customized answers.
Private Bossification community of other Bosses on the same growth path.
Save over $350 NOW!!!
Pay in Full - USD
SAVE over $350 Right NOW!!!
"Bossification" is right for you if... | "Bossification" is NOT right for you if... |
Kristy Hosvick
CEO, Social Media Industry
Kristy Hosvick
CEO, Social Media Industry
Dorothy Illson
CEO, Marketing Industry
Dorothy Illson
CEO, Marketing Industry